4 Main Reasons Why You Have Dirty, Worn-Out Clothes


There’s a popular saying that “clothes make the man (or woman),” which means you need to ensure you always show up orderly and well-groomed. Clothing can be your first impression, that’s why you should avoid wearing dirty, worn-out fashion pieces. However, you may not be well-versed in caring for your garments. But don’t worry, we can provide you with the information you need! 

This article will discuss four main reasons why you have dirty, worn-out clothes. Take this as an opportunity to ensure that you can always look your best and impress the people around you! That way, you can network more effectively and earn your peers’ respect.


  • You have a dirty closet 


You may have different suits and dresses ready for any special occasion waiting in your closet. However, keeping these high-quality clothes inside a dusty, roach-infested wardrobe can affect their quality. That means you can expect dressing up and getting disappointed as you see the imperfections on your outfit, smell musty odours, and even find dead bugs in your clothing! 

As such, it’s important to unload all the belongings from your closet and clean them. Make sure to use soap and water on each surface and vacuum if needed. You can also layer your new clothes with paper to avoid them from getting stained. 

Don’t forget to spray insect repellent to keep pests away. Having an orderly, well-maintained closet ensures you can easily store your washed clothing and wear them to your next event! 


  • You wear your clothes one too many times


When you have a particular sense of style, you may have a few favourites you like to wear daily. However, this habit can affect the clothes’ quality. For example, let’s say you have a favourite dress you want to wear because it reminds you of your mother. It’s fine to account for the sentimental value of certain garments, but you may end up further damaging them, especially if you keep washing and using them. 

The best way to tell if you should stop re-wearing clothes is to sniff the parts that may smell bad after one use. For instance, if you want to check on a t-shirt, you should sniff under the sleeve near the armpit area. If it has a bad smell, then you should get it cleaned. Doing this after washing it lets you determine if it can still be worn. Make it a point to dispose of garments that smell bad even after thorough washing. 


  • You use cheap detergent and abrasive soap 


Using budget-friendly laundry detergent and soap may be a way for you to save money, but this is just a costly mistake. You will end up purchasing more clothes because the cleaning materials used can damage the clothes, especially those made with delicate fabrics. You should also be aware of abrasive cleaning products that can damage your garments. To avoid this, bring your clothes to your local laundromat. 


  • You don’t get your clothes dry cleaned 


Your luxurious clothing may be something that you take great pride in, but you may not be giving them the attention they deserve. For cleaning, you need to ensure that you take your time and buy only the best equipment for the job. So why not just bring your fashionable pieces to dry cleaning services? That way, you can preserve your precious clothing and maintain your stylish, polished look during special occasions! 


You may buy the best clothes, but you will end up with ugly, unkempt outfits if you ignore cleaning and maintenance. Fortunately, you now have a better understanding of what to do to ensure all your clothing is clean and undamaged. Remember all the previously mentioned tips and show off your inner, fashionable self today!

Are you looking for the best laundromat in Barrhaven? Bring your clothes with us at Good Fellow Cleaners. We can offer you dry cleaning and tailoring services for your convenience. Get your clothes cleaned and prepared with us to ensure you can look your best!

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