Reasons You Should Hire a Professional to Clean Your Area Rug


Area rugs often act as a centrepiece of every home because they bring warmth, colour, and comfort to your space. However, they’re also likely to collect dust and debris over time. 

This could affect the longevity of your area rug and, worse, could lead to a rather undesirable allergy or asthma attack. After all, some of the most common places rugs tend to gather dust include under tables and chairs, corners, and doorway corners.

Of course, you can always take the matter into your own hands and vacuum your area rug. But if you’re not a cleaning expert, there are other things you can do that might save you the trouble or, worse, risk your health.

To help you tackle the task of cleaning an area rug, look at some of the reasons you should hire a professional dry cleaner to help maintain your piece:

1. Area Rugs Are Large and Heavy

Whether your space is small or large, you’ll have a hard time moving your area rugs around without the help of a professional. Some of them are made with thick, bulky materials that you will find difficult to move on your own. The weight of the carpet might be too much for you, or you may simply be unable to reach the inner corners or edges.

2. You Need to Maintain the Rug’s Colours

Too much exposure to sunlight could fade rugs’ colours, and too much dirt could make them appear dull and lifeless. If you want your area rug to last, have it professionally cleaned at least once a year. This will help keep the rug’s colour from fading and make it look brighter and more vibrant.

3. It Helps Improve Home Hygiene

One of the most harmful things that could happen to a rug is having dust mites living and breeding in it. It’s essential to keep the area rug free from bacteria and insects that could trigger an allergic reaction to anyone living in the house or, worse, trigger an asthma attack. A professional cleaning service could help you rid your area rug of these pesky creatures. 

4. Professional Cleaning Is Affordable

Even if you own a top-of-the-line area rug, you don’t have to worry about spending a lot. Professional area rug cleaning services only charge for the services that you require. They will tell you precisely what cleaning solution to use and whether you can take care of the rug on your own. They may also supply you with the equipment you need to care for your rug on your own if you wish to.

Final Thoughts

Take note that the lifespan of your area rug depends on how often you clean it. Your area rug will also be more resistant to wear and tear if you clean it regularly. But if you don’t have time to do that, hiring a professional area rug cleaning service can extend its life by at least two to three years. Furthermore, you will significantly favour your health by avoiding any allergic reaction or asthma attack that your area rug might trigger.

Good Fellow Cleaners is a place you can turn to if you’re looking for Ottawa dry cleaning services. Contact us today for your area rug cleaning needs.

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